SoloS – Press


Press dossier of the show SoloS
December 2016


04 / 12 / 2016 – Lola Lara, El País, Spain

Siete escolares eligen la obra ganadora en el festival de títeres de Tolosa

La obra premiada, ‘Solos’, combina interpretación actoral y títeres y propone una mirada
poética, tierna y cómica a la vida


Seven schoolchildren choose the winner work at Tolosa Puppet Festival

The awarded show, ‘Solos’, combines acting and puppetry and proposes a poetic, tender and comedy look on life
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12 / 10 / 2016 – Krapp’s Last Post, Torino, Italy

Incanti 2016 chiude tra figure d’ombre e resistenze femminili

Prima volta in Italia del gruppo spagnolo Ymedio Teatro, che con “SoloS” hanno portato a Torino una piccola meraviglia.
“Solos” è la storia di Aurelio, un vecchio solo e probabilmente dimenticato da tutti. Nel caos della sua casa, dove la spazzatura si mischia ai piccoli vecchi dolcetti che rimandano al suo passato da panettiere, gli oggetti più disparati prendono vita per diventare compagni passeggeri e divertenti della sua solitudine.
Da sacchetti di plastica, zuccheriere e vecchi abiti nascono così spassosi personaggi. Il vecchio è aiutato nella manipolazione da due attori/angeli custodi che si prendono gioco di lui dolcemente, dando vita ad un terzetto che ci fa sia sorridere che ridere.
Bravissimo il protagonista nel ruolo di Aurelio, un vecchio credibile che trasmette tenerezza, ma anche i due “manipolatori”, efficaci nel rendere così autentiche le creature immaginarie, tanto reali da farci dimenticare la loro presenza di burattinai.
Uno spettacolo bello e intenso, che speriamo possa tornare ancora in Italia.


First time in Italy of the Spanish group Ymedio Teatro, which with «SoloS» have brought to Torino a little marvel.
«SoloS» is the story of Aurelio, an old man lonely and probably forgotten for everyone. In the chaos of his home, where garbage mixes with old tiny muffings which remind his past as a baker, the most diverse objects come to life to become the funny and transient companions of his loneliness.
Out of plastic bags, sugar bowls and old robes hilarious chatacters are born. The old man is aided in the manipulation by two actors/custodian angels who tease him sweetly, making so a trio that makes us smile as well as laugh.
Very good the main character in the role of Aurelio, a credible old man who transmits tenderness, as well as the two «manipulators», so effective making real the imaginary creatures that make you forget of their presence as puppeteers.
A beautiful and intense show which we hope that can be back again to Italy.

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09 / 07 / 2016 – ABC Andalucía

La Feria de Teatro en el Sur premia a «Hamlet»

y compañías como ymedioteatro con su espectáculo «SoloS» han colgado el cartel de «No quedan localidades».

The Fair «Teatro en el sur» awards «Hamlet»

and companies like ymedioteatro, with its show «SoloS», hanged up the «Sold out» banner.

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08 / 07 / 2016 – Diario Jaén

Palma del Río, «meca» del teatro andaluz

En esta edición hay compañías de Jaén (los peroxileños ymedioteatro y su montaje «SoloS»

Palma del Río, «Meca» of the Andalusian theatre

In this edition of the fair there are compañías from Jaén (ymedioteatro from Torreperogil and their production «SoloS»

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06 / 07 / 2016 – Diario Jaén

«SoloS», de ymedioteatro, en la Feria de Palma del Río

«SoloS», by ymedioteatro, at the Fair of Palma del Río

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20 / 06 / 2016 – Extra, Sandro Neri

Territori inesplorati

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15 / 06 / 2016 – La Regione, Claudio Lo Russo

Viaggiando in città

Fra i ritorni, quello degli spagnoli di ymedioteatro, questa volta senza «teatro mobile» ma, promettono, con la stessa poesia.

Among the returns, that one of the Spanish from ymedioteatro, this time without their «mobile theatre» but, promising, with the same poetry.
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11 / 02 / 2016 – Canal Sur TV
Al sur show

ymedioteatro, ten years telling stories

Video in Spanish from the regional TV channel in Andalusia.

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25 / 01 / 2016 – Nuremberger Nachrichten
Katharina Erlenwein & Birgit Nüchterlein

Spiel über alle Grenzen hinweg

Andere spielen, wie es Kinder tun: Mit Objekten. Das beherrschen zum Beispiel die drei Spanier vom ymedioteatro virtuos. Aus einer simplen weiben plastiktüte wird da ein aufmüpfiger Mitbewohner – bitte vormerken für das nächste Figurentheatr-festival.

Play over every border

Another example of play, as kids do: using objects. This is something presented by the three Spanish of the virtuous ymedioteatro. With a simple white plastic bag they develop a rebel roommate – please count on the for the next Puppet Festival.

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08 / 06 / 2015 – Diario Jaén, Carmen López

Un guiño a la vida / A wink to life

Éxito en el preestreno de SoloS, el nuevo espectáculo de la compañía ymedioteatro

Great success of the preview of SoloS, the new show of ymedioteatro

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28 / 05 / 2015 – Diario Guadalquivir
Palabras de aguanieve, Manuel Jiménez

SoloS, la nueva obra de arte de ymedioteatro

Jamás vi tanta magia concentrada en tan pequeño escenario. He tenido el
privilegio de asistir al parto de una nueva obra maestra nacida en nuestra tierra.
Ymedio Teatro (Torreperogil para el mundo) invitó a un grupo de allegados, entre
los que me encontraba, a un ensayo general con público como paso previo al
preestreno de su nuevo montaje, “SoloS”. Y “SoloS” nos estremeció a todos. Una
obra de teatro de títeres que son objetos. Objetos cotidianos que forman parte
del imaginario, ya marchito, de su protagonista. Un protagonista, de avanzada
edad, que lejos de vivir solo se alimenta de recuerdos que aún se resisten a
desaparecer, a convertirse en harina.

[Short English translation]
SoloS, the new art piece by ymedioteatro

I have never seen so much magic concentrated in such a small stage. I had the priviledge of attending the birth of a new master piece born in our region.
ymedioteatro (from Torreperogil to the world) invited a group of close people, among whom I was, to a dress rehearsal with audience as the previous step to the preview of their new production, «SoloS». And «SoloS» thrilled all of us. It is a puppet theatre piece made with objects. Everyday objects that are part of the images, already whitered, of its protagonist. A main character, advanced in age, who far from living alone, feeds himself with the memories that still fight for not to disappear, for not to become flour.

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Professional company from Torreperogil, Jaén, Spain